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By March 23, 2011August 16th, 2017Blog

It’s amazing how such a small idea can turn into such a huge deal. One minute, sitting in the conference room with Dave Love, talking about the service division we used to have, and how we ought to reintroduce it, the next minute, thinking we ought to try out home inspections. One thing leads to another, and there 3 of us were, in Phoenix AZ, getting certifications for home inspections. Now, having a few of those under our belt, and the service van making laps around Park City, and even down into Salt Lake, it’s grown into a full time job.

What started as a “what if”, has turned into us sending out post cards to all of Park City, and having to keep a log of phone calls we’ve gotten that we need to follow up on. It keeps us on our toes. What else it allows us to do, is meet with new people every day, and in a lot of cases, let’s us help people who have been wondering who to call that they can trust to do it right. I’m looking forward to the next few months, and see just how big this blows up.

Riley Holmes

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